let's do a test
I'll ask you three questions
if the statement is true please draw a circle
The first question:
Does your heart start beating fast when u see him/her?
if it does draw one circle
The second question:
Do u always feel like talking back to him/her whenever he/she says something?
The third and final question:
Do u feel as if u want him/her to understand u?
Okay! If all three r true, then that is definitely love...
*juz random question not too accurate...hehehe
hmmm...dah lama x rasa cmtu..
atan jiwang!
me too...dh lame gak xde perasaan mcm tu....hahahha
anor...biase la...
atan mat bunga
ok fine.. i'm in love
hans...dlm hati ad taman la...hahhaha
Moon congratulation
student ntwrk fiwitt sape tu?
soalan ni x de kene mengena dgn ak pon...hahaha
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