love n like r two different things
so when i say "i like u"
it doesn't mean dat "i love u"
bcoz i already said "i like u" to lots of galz
i only said "i love u" only to her
but.....dat was looooong time ago
now im single
dun get wrong
when i say "i like u"
maklum la mst girl tu teruja bila org hensem ckp 'i like u' kt dia.
naseb baik sy x hensem...hahahahha
macam2 kan skrg
single & available x nie??
hans skang ni mmg mcm2 ad...pening2
rowena....yup single n still searching....hahahaha
if u like someone its dosen't mean u love her
but if u love someone its mean u like her
(sory broken english)
u r rite moon
u r rite moon
suka n cinta are two different things!
btol ghostone....dua2 tu bende yg lain2
i say "i like u" to my love.
i say "ilebiu" to everyone.
i say "i LOVE u" to my future husband and my family.
i say "i miss u" when really do.
mint, ak dh pening....arghhh
maknanya ak tak percaya cinta sebelum kawen.
ya betul2....jgn mudah percaya dgn pakwe dan makwe anda....kawen dlu br percaya
atan, i got problems with that like n love things... boys alwez said i love u but i can only say i like u.. hahahah... n i kinda 'yakin' dat love is not easy 2 find.. but some people r 2 easy 2 say it n waste their feeling 2 sumone they're not actually in love with.. ape kate?
nur'ain....your solution already in your mind....u need to be sincere......when someone said to u dat he like u...u need to tell him back that u also like him....but juz as a fren...if not those guys will get emo with their own feelin' n thing will get worst
i like u :P
ezam like this.
[sambil ade ikon ibu jari]
*arghhh itu fesbuk*
kindly walk the taLk.saying love with no attention is pointless.
owh i speaking omputih suddenly.
dahlia...i like u too...
ezam love is all about care,like,attention n protection
good topic for a discussion.yup, i second that we can like many person, but our love ones are selected few=)
p/s: atan, with yr look n sense of style, hard 2 believe u r still single.haha. take yr time in searching, save the best for last. wink2
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